Sunday, May 20, 2012

Top 5 post- op Tummy Tuck Must Haves

Ok, so I'm almost at the end of the first week post-op and I was reflecting about what are the Top 5 things I would tell my best friend they needed to have to survive post-op week if she were having a Tuck and here's my top 5 list.

1. A Recliner - The recliner has been awesome! I have slept in it and just spent most of every day in it this whole week. My husband brought it up to the bedroom after he kept hearing the doctor telling me I needed to sit in a "recliner" position all week, so what better way to do that than to BE in a recliner? It took a lot of the pressure off of my stomach and pressure off of my back. It also was good because I normally sleep on my stomach and being in the recliner made it impossible to accidentally do that in the middle of the night. Yea! So if you've got a recliner available I'd absolutely use it!

2. 3 zip-up house dresses from Wal-Mart - So yeah, I normally make fun of these, but I bought them ahead of time and they've been perfect! I dont care if I spill something or stain them, and they zip-up/ snap-up to make it easy to get to the drains. When I wore it to my first post-op the nurse said she thought it was brilliant. They don't cling to the body too. They've been perfect. Ugly, but perfect.

3. A 32oz stadium cup - Water is extremely important to your recovery process. Constantly having a large cup beside the recliner and making sure my family keeps it full has really been great. I'm more likely to drink a big cup two times a day than try to keep track of how many little cups I've had.

4. Lipbalm - With me sitting upright all day and sleeping that way I've been doing more mouth breathing so my lips have been much more dry. Keeping lipbalm close has helped.

5. An eyemask - I call mine an eye-bra. I've slept a lot during the day and its been a lot easier to fall asleep quickly and sleep later in my room with the eye mast on.

So there you go, the top 5 things I'd recommend for surviving the first week after surgery!


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