Thursday, May 17, 2012

3 days post op evening

So I'm three days in now and I'm getting around better each day. The fluid in my drains has significantly reduced also. I was sleepy today, but didn't get as much deep sleep as I had been getting.

I'm still dealing with a cough and have found holding a pillow up abs pressing intoy stomach is the only real way to do it. I've also been using the blowing machine they sent me home from the hospital with which seems to help my throat tickle. And my back itches some still.

I've still not had a BM even though I've taken miralax 2x a day an stool softeners. Hoping that gets solved soon. I've been careful with what I do eat sticking mainly to protein (eggs and chicken) and fruits. It's a good time to purge some sugars out of my system too. I only eat crackers when I'm nauseated which only happened once today.

My tummy feels occasionally a little numb and tingles like its asleep it my breast feel hot, similar to when you know you needed to breast feed. The breast haven't been painful at all!!

Heading off to bed. I'd like to do a post explaining drains tomorrow since I had no clue at all what to expect with those things when I was reading up. How's everybody doing? Got any questions for me?


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