Sunday, June 3, 2012

Almost normal @ 21 days post tummy tuck

Tomorrow marks 21 days since surgery and I tell you what I feel good!! I rarely experience any pain from my tummy tuck or breast lift except at night. Which I take a pain pill for so I can sleep on my sides. I am holding about 3 lbs of water since my last weigh in which I think has something to do with the heat of summer setting in and I had been neglecting my water a bit. I feel a little "puffy" around my scar. I've read there's seasons of swelling then it les away as quickly as it came. I'm getting very comfy in my new body and enjoying wearing some of my slink ire nightgowns long since banished. I'm actually desperate to start exercising again. I used a strength band while sitting today and worked my arms out. I already feel a little sore. I experienced no pain in chest or stomach while I used the bands. I hope to take photos tomorrow. I know how you all hunger for them.


Tummy tuck said...

Your experience will help me lot..Its really good to be here to know the good things about the tummy tuck..

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